Welcome To Pragmatic Homes Limited

your ideal home partners…

Pragmatic Homes signs $150M deal with Asenjo y Asociados

About Us

Pragmatic Homes Limited is a Real Estate company that is into Acquisition, Development, Marketing and Sales of Land and Houses with available Titled Land from our Land bank and we are registered in Nigeria.

Since commencing business, we have delivered a full spectrum of real estate consulting, marketing, development and sales services within the country and beyond.

Our Mission

To build and provide a value for money, innovative platforms for customers as Well as providing infrastructures and convenience required to make acquisition of home possible and livable

Our Vision

To be the Leading Real Estate company in Nigeria and beyond; providing quality, flexible and affordable housing scheme.

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Berry Courts - Omole Phase II Lagos
Berry Courts - Shagamu Ogun State
Discovery Boulevard - Arepo, Ogun State

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